Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Boring... But Not Bored

I haven't written in my blog lately. That's because I have nothing to write about. My life is rather boring... But I suppose I'm okay with that right now. I'm planning a couple vacations, one to Cleveland in April, and a tentative trip to Orlando in May. Those trips are what is getting me through my day to day drudgery at the moment.

Although, I think I die a little inside each day I don't have a trip to Europe or some other far off foreign place planned. Which means I've been dying a little for the past 5 months... Not to worry, I'm doing just fine! But I will need to get that trip planned asap. Maybe I'll take it in October. Maybe to Copenhagen, Berlin, and Bern. Or maybe to Athens and Cairo. Or maybe to New Zealand and Sydney. I'll take suggestions. Or traveling partners!

I don't have much more to add. Oh, except, I had a friend tell me today that she was switching wards because ours didn't provide any guys that she wanted to date. And she has no other avenues to meet guys. And I sat and wondered... Should I be switching wards too? Because I really love my ward, and I'd hate to give up on it just because I'm not digging on any of the guys there. This is the exact reason I struggle with singles wards.

I leave you with the two songs stuck in my head....
"Your voice is small and fading, and you're hiding here alone..."
"It's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry..."
500 points to anyone who can name titles and artists! Without cheating!