Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear J.L.K.

My New Year's Prediction is quite possibly coming true this week... Dang, we're good at this. We should all become gypsies and tell people their futures.


Jamilyn said...

SERIOUSLY? I just found out this week that Katie's came true... like a MONTH ago. That makes 3 of 4. We are freain' gypsies. :)


So what's the scoop? Where ya moving?

Ashley said...

I'm moving downtown, really close to the 9th and 9th area. My neighborhood is adorable, so I'm definitely excited for the location! It will be interesting to have roommates again... And sharing a bathroom. Eek!

lynsie said...

that is awsome. I hope mine comes tre that would be awsome. I a little over to months left but here is hoping