Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Winter

The past few days have been a bit... hazy.

My days are spent going to school and work, trying to work in some time with friends or family each day, and lots of late-night studying. But late night studying and early morning classes create an environment in which I only get 5-6 hours of sleep. This is not my optimal operating situation... to say the least!

But it's a good hazy, I think. Like, this kind of hazy:
The sun is peaking through, and life is moving on at a pleasant pace.
I can't complain, really.

I have this new plan that I may have to put into action. I'm considering quitting school.
I will save every bit of money that would have gone into school. And instead, I will obtain the school books, syllabus, and possibly study guides (if the professors permit) of the classes I want to take.
And I will be self-taught.
I know there are a lot of hurdles to cross in this endeavor.
Particularly that I'm busy and lazy and have no motivation in a "no-pressure" situation. But I'd kinda like to see if I can do it...

In other news, I have crushes on lots of boys.
It's like I'm in high school again. I don't particularly like it.

And it's winter.
Or it will be soon. But I'm feeling it.
And surprisingly, I think this is the first year where I wasn't really prepared for the cold weather yet. I need to break out blankets and heaters and warm footwear. Possibly some long johns or tights to go under all my clothing...

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