Thursday, September 8, 2011

3-Day Juice Cleanse!

So, I did it. I completed the first task on my 25 While 25 list.
Do a Juice Cleanse!

It was an interesting experience,
with a few low points, where the only thing I wanted to do was cry at the thought of more juice.

Day 1 was probably the most difficult because I was hungry and sick of juice with no end in sight.
I nearly quit.

But with Lacy's encouragement (she wasn't aware what she was in for yet...)
and with the hope of delicious juices in my future,
I pressed on.
This is our counter covered in all the produce that was about to be juiced.
In one day, I'd eat 6 stalks of kale,
3 handfuls of chard and lettuce,
4 golden delicious apples,
1 cucumber,
3 lemons,
a handful of parsley,
half a pineapple,
15 leaves of mint,
1 pint of blueberries,
2 granny smith apples,
3 cups of grapes,
and 1/2 cup of cashews.

All in liquid form.

Heidi's trusty juicer. We became great friends.
Green juice! I hated it in the beginning, and loved it by the end of Day 3.
Isn't juicing beautiful?
Pineapple/Mint smoothies! By far my favorite drink.
My juices lined up to bring to work in the morning.
Lacy and me stoked to be almost-finished, and finished, respectively.
She was my fellow-lamenter, and cheerleader.
Trust me, don't do this thing without a partner-in-crime.
You'll think you're all alone in the world
and fall into a great hole of despair
when you're at your worst moments.

But at your best moments during the juice cleanse,
you may just end up looking like this...
Would I ever do it again?
Perhaps. Give me til next week to answer that question.
When I've had time to reflect.
(And have probably gained back all 5 pounds that were lost.)

Update: I've eaten less than 500 calories for the last 10 hours, and I'm barely hungry. What is happening to me?!

1 comment:

Katie said...

WOW!! This looks awesome!! Congrats on making it!!