Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I have officially been a wife for seventeen days now.

Those seventeen days have included:

-Dancing on the beach
-Awesome Mexican food
-A Muir Woods exploration
-Eight airplane flights
-Three hotel stays
-Two rental cars
-Chocolate on chocolate with raspberry cake
-My very favorite people in the world
-A return to work. Twice.
-Returning of gifts
-Purchasing a food processor
-Two baths with bath bombs
-One meal overlooking the entirety of Aruba
-Two sailing excursions
-Countless iguana and lizard sightings
-So many presents (people are so generous, it warms my heart!)
-A temple dedication session
-The perfect SNL with JoGoLev and Mumford
-A new Mumford & Sons album
-Wonderings on how to be a good wife
-Fears that we'll slip into old-married-couple territory too soon
-Morning makeouts
-Eating two different cakes in one evening
-Third-season Community watchings

Seriously, and so much more.  It can't be real that we've only been married for slightly over two weeks.  It already feels like a lifetime.

An awesome lifetime.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Out Into Nothin'

I feel like I'm free falling.

And I have a firm knowledge that I'll land on my feet...

But in the meantime, I'm not sure whether to laugh or to scream.

So... Apparently, my aversion to change is still firmly in place.