Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I have officially been a wife for seventeen days now.

Those seventeen days have included:

-Dancing on the beach
-Awesome Mexican food
-A Muir Woods exploration
-Eight airplane flights
-Three hotel stays
-Two rental cars
-Chocolate on chocolate with raspberry cake
-My very favorite people in the world
-A return to work. Twice.
-Returning of gifts
-Purchasing a food processor
-Two baths with bath bombs
-One meal overlooking the entirety of Aruba
-Two sailing excursions
-Countless iguana and lizard sightings
-So many presents (people are so generous, it warms my heart!)
-A temple dedication session
-The perfect SNL with JoGoLev and Mumford
-A new Mumford & Sons album
-Wonderings on how to be a good wife
-Fears that we'll slip into old-married-couple territory too soon
-Morning makeouts
-Eating two different cakes in one evening
-Third-season Community watchings

Seriously, and so much more.  It can't be real that we've only been married for slightly over two weeks.  It already feels like a lifetime.

An awesome lifetime.

1 comment:

Jamilyn said...

Yay!! I'm so glad you blogged again! I am crazy about you two together, and even more crazy about it now that you're married. Morning make outs?? SEX??? Ha. Love it.