Thursday, October 11, 2012

How to: Halloween Decor on the Cheap

See cute decor at your neighborhood Target.
In this case, a felt ghost pillow:

Consider the purchase.
Recognize that $15 for a felt pillow that will be used for a mere 30 days is unacceptable.
Tell your husband, pfft, I can make that myself.

Commit to your offhand remark.  Make a trip to Jo-Ann for supplies.
(1 yard black flannel fabric, 2 sheets white felt, 1 spool black string that you won't end up using, 2 14x14 travel pillows)
Spend three dollars more than the original pillow would have cost.
Justify spending more because you bought TWO pillows.

Crib Target's design.  Draw a general outline on the white felt.
Scrap the design and free-hand cut that crap.
Center your felt.  Realize you centered it on the wrong portion.
Re-center on the correct portion.
Pin the ghosts with safety pins, as you don't have any straight pins.

Hand-stitch on your ghosts while you watch General Conference.

Marvel at your handiwork.  Force compliments from your husband.
(It's cool, mine thinks sewing is hot.)

Cut your flannel to match the size of your pillow.
Fold over and sew the top and bottom to make 1 inch hems.
Fold and fold and re-fold until you're satisfied with the sizing.
Hold all things together with safety pins.

Sew your pillow sides with one quick stitch on each side.
Do this while watching Terminator 2.
Trust me.

It'll make the process 3,000x more enjoyable.
And, be stoked with your finished, knock-off Target pillow!
Oh, and the skull and crossbones one you free-handed, just for kicks.

1 comment:

Jamilyn said...

CUTE! Just yesterday, I used safety pins while sewing. Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't have straight pins on hand.