Monday, December 8, 2008

Snow and Service

I love Christmas. And I love snow. It's amazing--they say that if it's not snowy in Utah, the shopping revenue goes way down. No one buys Christmas gifts because no one feels Christmas-y. I love that. And as the snow falls down outside, and as I keep peeking out my office and down the hall to the outside door so that I can see it, I can see why. There is just something so soft and comforting and beautiful about the snow and the way it makes you feel like sitting by a cold window, wrapped in a fleece blanket wearing slippers and a cup of hot chocolate in your hand, and just staring for hours. The way it makes you feel like sharing that feeling with another person... even if through shopping for gifts. It needs to snow many more times before Christmas comes in 17 days. Please!

Oh, and service... In testimony meeting yesterday, someone mentioned that Christmas makes us all feel connected on a deeper level, and it's so true. A Christmas doesn't go by when I don't think of the many people out there who aren't so blessed as me. The people who are going without. But I hope they are still surrounded by family and friends. I pray that even if money is too thin, they still will feel the hope of this season. And I hope that my small efforts to donate a little money and supplies this year can make a difference in someone's life. That they will feel loved. That they will feel a little of Christ's love, for he is the true spirit and light that connects us all, that we feel especially strong this and every Christmas.

I wish you all happy snow days, happy serving, and a light-filled, merry Christmas!

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