Saturday, February 6, 2010


Happy February, friends and family!

Update on my goals:
Um... what were they? Let me go check that blogpost... Oh, right!

1. My calling... It's still difficult to be completely dedicated to it, especially with living 20 minutes away from my ward. Okay, I know 20 minutes is nothing compared to all those wards/branches all over the world who travel an hour each way just to go to church. But... I'm too used to living in Utah! I keep considering switching to a student ward closer to me. And I've even been to that student ward a couple times. But I truly love my current ward SO much. The people are amazing, and I've had some great experiences. So, while I'm still in this ward, I'm doing my best to serve the women as well as I can.

2. Healthy Living... Success! So far, anyway. I didn't really start on this goal until 3 weeks ago, when I realized that swimsuits and running season exist in my not too distant future. I've lost nearly 5 pounds (although, I sometimes think my scale is lying to me). And I'm feeling much happier now that I'm eating smoothies and salads and less sweets!

3. Budgeting... Hmm. I've had to pay to repair two cars within the past two weeks, so that's over $1,000 out the window. Ouch! But with a tax return, end of year bonus, and my payroll check, I'm happily able to put some money in savings. And with eating food from home rather than going out, I'm saving a lot of lunch money!

4. Connecting. It's still a toughie for me. I'd like to believe that I've become closer with at least 2 or 3 people so far this year. But who knows what THEY think?! I'm learning to love people for who they are and overlook what I perceive as "weaknesses." Beacause who am I to judge?!

Nothing much exciting is going on right now. I'm sitting at home, planning a church lesson and doing laundry on a Saturday night. So, yeah... an update post is all you get for now!

1 comment:

Jamilyn said...

Thanks for the update, Ash. Love you!