Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions v.2010

Happy New Year! So, New Year's Resolutions that I hope to stick to, scratch that, WILL stick to in order to become a happier and more fulfilled and better person:

1. Fulfill my Calling--Visit with the girls more often, follow up on visiting teaching, hold presidency meetings and be organized. Connect with the girls heart to heart.

2. Be Healthy--Do good cardio exercise at least three times a week, and get a serving or two of fruits and veggies daily. Bring lunches to work. Plan time to make healthy meals. Get sleep!!

3. Live on a Budget--Make a budget and stick to it. Stop spending money on useless things like restaurant meals, clothes I don't need, car accidents and citations, etc. Stop putting so much on my stupid charge card!

4. Connect with People--Sincerely care for my family, friends, and ward members. Make an effort to know what's going on in their lives. Be less selfish and more open. Serve and reach out to others.

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