Friday, September 30, 2011


Guys. I've told you I love Community, right? Right.

Well, maybe not. Although, I did reference two of the men on the show as my future husbands on this very blog.

Anyway, my point. Community is hands-down my favorite TV show on right now. And I'm actually watching a lot more TV than I sometimes like to admit. So this is saying something.
Unfortunately, the viewership for Community is down. Which means I may lose all reason for living at this end of this television season if Community doesn't get granted another year. For realsies.
See, Jeff and Abed are quite distraught over my current predicament. (But probably moreso for the possible end of their television lives).

I mean, currently, every Thursday night, at 6:55 p.m. I'm doing a celebration krump dance for five straight minutes right along with Troy and Abed. I look just like this:
And it's awesome. Then, I settle in at 7 p.m. sharp for the most glorious half-hour of the week. I know you all love me. You don't want to take this away from me!

That's right, Chang and Annie are looking at you!
It's your responsibility to get on this. Start watching this show!! Here's a hilarious article from THE HULK telling you all the reasons you should watch Community. Said in a much more humorous way than I ever could articulate.

And if I still haven't convinced you, then know that this guy makes an appearance at the end of season 2:

You're out of reasons to NOT watch. Right? Right. And I just purchased the DVD's for seasons one and two. I will sacrifice my time and/or resources to get you up to date. Also, Hulu can update you on the first two episodes of season three. The end. Amen.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Apple Pie

One more item checked off my 25 while 25 list.

I made a pie crust. And it didn't completely suck! (Though my mom's is still SO much better... maybe one day.)

I started off with a bag full of apples from the Farmer's Market...

I used my Mom's recipe, straight from the Betty Crocker cookbook.
And in the end, I ended with this beauty:

Very rustic looking, no? (Rustic is just code for I-can't-make-a-pretty-crust-to-save-my-life)

And the taste ended up quite decent as well!
I shall be making apple pie again!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3-Day Juice Cleanse!

So, I did it. I completed the first task on my 25 While 25 list.
Do a Juice Cleanse!

It was an interesting experience,
with a few low points, where the only thing I wanted to do was cry at the thought of more juice.

Day 1 was probably the most difficult because I was hungry and sick of juice with no end in sight.
I nearly quit.

But with Lacy's encouragement (she wasn't aware what she was in for yet...)
and with the hope of delicious juices in my future,
I pressed on.
This is our counter covered in all the produce that was about to be juiced.
In one day, I'd eat 6 stalks of kale,
3 handfuls of chard and lettuce,
4 golden delicious apples,
1 cucumber,
3 lemons,
a handful of parsley,
half a pineapple,
15 leaves of mint,
1 pint of blueberries,
2 granny smith apples,
3 cups of grapes,
and 1/2 cup of cashews.

All in liquid form.

Heidi's trusty juicer. We became great friends.
Green juice! I hated it in the beginning, and loved it by the end of Day 3.
Isn't juicing beautiful?
Pineapple/Mint smoothies! By far my favorite drink.
My juices lined up to bring to work in the morning.
Lacy and me stoked to be almost-finished, and finished, respectively.
She was my fellow-lamenter, and cheerleader.
Trust me, don't do this thing without a partner-in-crime.
You'll think you're all alone in the world
and fall into a great hole of despair
when you're at your worst moments.

But at your best moments during the juice cleanse,
you may just end up looking like this...
Would I ever do it again?
Perhaps. Give me til next week to answer that question.
When I've had time to reflect.
(And have probably gained back all 5 pounds that were lost.)

Update: I've eaten less than 500 calories for the last 10 hours, and I'm barely hungry. What is happening to me?!