Sunday, December 4, 2011

Walls Fall Down

I've been house-sitting (and pet-sitting) for my brother and sister-in-law while they're off in South Africa. Their adorable dog, Scrappy, spent the first three years of his life being abused. Thus, he is very mistrusting of most people. The only humans he's truly comfortable with are his parents, so the past few days have been a bit stressful and difficult.

But we've been making strides. His growling has decreased, and now only occurs when I go into Adam and Sierra's bedroom (where he spends 90% of his time). He's teeth-baring has decreased even more. Yesterday and this morning, he laid his head on my lap (but got a bit snappy when I tried to pet him). I was excited for his trust in me!

And then, minutes ago, this happened:
He let me pet him for about 5 minutes! There's a certain joy that comes from winning over the heart of an animal that has been wronged. I hope this can continue through my next two weeks of house sitting!

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