Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Could Have a Kick-A Blog...

So, I follow a good deal of blogs.
Not an unmanageable amount. Just enough to have something new to read regularly.

And I often get so jealous of the lives that these beautiful and in-love women live.

But I realized something today.
I could have a really kick-ass blog!

I live a pretty magical life.
I just got home from Coachella
(Look, see!):
I leave for Austin in five and a half days.
I have an incredible and loud and hilarious family.
I have been on ridiculous dates.
I am a career woman.
I love to cook delicious foods.
I'm a fan of beautiful things: fashion, art, and music.
I have lived so many of my dreams.
And I'm still learning and growing and discovering every day.

These things I've listed are all the things I'm jealous of in other people.

So, then... what do I not have that all these bloggers have?

The drive to blog every day.
A fancy camera and photo-editing skillz.
A super hilarious way of writing.
(And a husband... but let's ignore that for now).

I think I'm okay without these things.
Well, I'm too lazy to obtain these things. So I'd better be okay without them.
I'm happy with my current blog. I hope you like it, too!

And thank you to my beautiful friends who read this blog.
Even though it's not very kick-a.

Update: A re-read of this makes me worry that I'm coming off as a braggart, or condescending, or over-compensating.
I'm not trying to do any of these things.
I just have to remind myself sometimes that just because I don't have an awesome online life, doesn't mean I don't have an awesome life.
I'm so blessed, and I don't have a right to be jealous of others!
That is all.


Lina Buchanan said...

You ARE pretty Kick-A. I don't get to reading everyone's blogs like I should (or even writing any...), but I look forward to your posts! <3

Jamilyn said...

I think you're pretty kick-A too. I often give myself the "my life could be more like Ashley's..." talk when I feel like I'm in a boring graduate school and married life rut. Keep bloggin'