Thursday, March 31, 2011

Collections Exchange

Not too long ago, I was over on the Oh, Hello Friend blog, and saw this post; a collections exchange!
People signed up with a comment including what items they collect.
They were assigned a partner.
That partner did shop searching and scouring to find the perfect items to add to their partner's collection, and mail it off!

My immediate response to this blog post... I love shop searching! I love getting and sending packages in the mail! I love exchanging emails with strangers who become instant friends! It's like this was made for me.

My exchange partner was the lovely Susan Roden who is an artist and a very sweet lady. I had so much fun shopping for her collection items, and I hope she loves them even half as much as I love what she sent to me!

First, this beautiful brooch:
I love the color and the tiny details. What a beautiful little piece of jewelry!

Next, this beautiful glass bottle stopper. Here it is, displayed in one of my DI-find vases.

And the extreme close up!

Susan was kind enough to find a couple records for me to add to my collection.
Stephen Stills and James Taylor! I passed up this exact Sweet Baby James album just a few weeks ago in order to save money. So it was such a great surprise to see it in the box!
And my Dad would be so excited to see a Stills record. I hadn't heard much of his, but I turned it on this morning, and LOVED it!

And, my favorite part, a beautiful vintage hat! Susan wrote that she found some of these treasures in an estate sale for an older woman. I can definitely see this hat on a fashionable older lady from another era.

I had to try it on immediately!!

Thanks so much, Susan! I love my new collection items!


lynsie said...

ash that hat looks so cute on you.

Jamilyn said...

I'm pretty positive that you're about 97 steps too cool for me.

Thanks for still wanting to be my friend.

Katie said...

I really like the hat too!