Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Counting Down

I've got two incredible vacations coming up.

And it's all I can do to keep from making a paper chain to count down the days. It's all I can do to keep from making the 40-minute roundtrip drive to my parents' house right this second because I know my tickets came in the mail last night, and I want to see how pretty they are in person!! It's all I can do to keep from praying that, maybe, if Heavenly Father could just skip the next few days so that Thursday, April 14th comes sooner...?

But of course, I have a lot of fun activities planned before my trip to Coachella. Zumba tonight, a preview of The Music Never Stopped tomorrow night, a sleepover playdate with Ariel on Friday night, celebration of Aubree's dirty 30 birthday on Saturday night. Plus, conference! One of my favorite times of year!

In between all that, I have to finish packing and picking up things for Coachella (shouldn't be too hard since I've been obsessively planning for the past couple of months...), as well as purchase birthday gifts for roommate Heidi, Ariel, Aubree, Justin, Sierra, and Denver! Busy time of year! (Or should I say that end of June, beginning of July are the "busy" times of year... *wink, wink*).

And, seeing as I have just a week and a half between getting home from Coachella, then leaving again for Austin, TX, I should probably take my time to plan for that trip! I'm so excited to make my way South! I've heard that Texas is pretty amazing, and I can't wait to experience the dance halls and barbecue and weather and The Alamo for myself!

In the meantime, if anyone can keep me busy enough from now until April 14th to keep me from going certifiably insane with excitement... let me know!


Katie said...

Yay!! Sounds so exciting! I hope it comes quick enough for you, and slow enough when it gets here for you to soak it all in!

Young People in Love said...

You're a lucky duck! I've been wanting to go on a legit vaca for over a year now. Have so much fun!