Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Top o' the mornin' to ya!

I started off my day doing baptisms for the dead at the Salt Lake temple. By sheer happenstance, I ended up getting names from Ireland. Neat!!

Then, on my drive home, I remembered that I told my boss I'd make St. Patrick's day treats, so I stopped and got some rice krispies cereal to make rice krisipes treats!
I got really good at making rice krispie treats after having to make 6 big batches worth for a church mingle on Sunday... And then dropping half of them in the parking lot!
Must not have had the luck o' the Irish with me that day!

After making rice krispies and showering the chlorine out of my hair
(didn't want my hair to be green,
no matter how much I enjoy St. Patrick's day...)
I made breakfast.
A bowl of rice krispies! (I had a lot leftover)

I colored them green! Naturally.
As well as the rice I made for my lunch.
Green food!
A few days ago, I made treacle bread, an Irish recipe. So I also ate that for breakfast.
I'm just Irish-in' it up today!
P.S. Sorry about the crappy photos... I took them with my phone

I hope you all have a beautiful St. Patrick's day

filled with great luck,
shamrocks and clovers,
and maybe even a leprechaun sighting!

And remember what the three-leaf clover represents:
Good St. Patrick travelled far, to teach God's Holy Word
And when he came to Erin's sod, a wondrous thing occurred
He plucked a shamrock from the earth and held it in His hand
To symbolise the Trinity that all might understand
The first leaf for the Father
And the second for the Son
The third leaf for the Holy Spirit
All three
of them in one.


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