Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan-- You're in my Heart

I've just spent the past few minutes looking at photos and video of the terrible disasters in Sendai, Japan and surrounding areas. The day of the earthquake and tsunami, I donated $10 to the Red Cross. That's just so little.

It breaks my heart to see that kind of fear and devastation on the people's faces. Whenever disasters happen, I tend to donate, and then ignore all coverage. Because all the pictures and news stories and videos just make me feel so helpless. Here I am, sitting at my cushy job, perfect weather, full of my delicious lunch, clothes on my back, coat on the rack, listening to ABC by the Jackson 5. And it's just so discordant from the pain of the Japanese people right now.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those without homes, without families, without hope; to the brave soldiers and rescuers; to those with aching hearts all over the world because of this disaster. My prayers go out, because it's all the relief I can offer.

Except that I can still donate more. Which will happen, because I have so much.

P.S. Please send your prayers out as well. And, if you have the time, please also send your prayers out to my mom, who is going into back surgery tomorrow. Thanks, and I love you all!

1 comment:

Katie said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your mom and your family. I love you guys! Thank you for also posting your thoughts about the devastation in Japan. It is truly heart breaking. It is also amazing to see how people can come together to pray for and help each other, even when they are perfect strangers.