Monday, July 4, 2011

Reasons I Love Salt Lake

The ability to get authentic Belgian waffles. At TWO different places nearby!

The strategically placed duct tape on the walk/don't walk sign that makes the stop hand flash an "I love you" rather than the typical full palm.

Riding my cruiser bike to the grocery store. And getting lots of compliments on it.

Going to free concerts at the Twilight Concert Series.

Always seeing something new, even if I've walked down that same street dozens of times.

Walking across the street to a Wailers concert.

Having a yoga studio within walking distance.

The Southeast Market that I've only been to once, but where I bought my sticky rice cooker. (I need to take more advantage!)

Weekly Farmer's Markets.

Utah Arts Festival.

Bonus: Reasons I love Utah

Having mountain canyons within 15 minutes driving distance.

Standing less than 100 feet from a full grown moose after a short 8 minute hike.

Attending huge house parties that are just as raucous as anything you'd find in a movie, but are alcohol-free and mostly moral.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Did you take that picture of that moose? That would be sweet! I love that you love Salt Lake! It seems like there is always something to do there.