Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It's been both a great and poor weekend. But more great, and I'm in a fabulous mood, so we're going to focus on that.

~Going to Yellowstone!!
Seeing bison, elk, a bald eagle, mama bear and cubs, a fox, a stork... Awesome!
Getting lucky and seeing so many large geysers. Particularly Grand Geyser. The following video pretty much sums up my glee:
Camping for the first time this summer (not counting Coachella camping. But who am I kidding... Coachella camping rocked.)

~Watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I kinda forgot how in love I am with that series until I watched this movie. Growing up reading Harry Potter truly changed my life, and those characters will live with me til the day I die. So much goodness.

~Making a homemade pizza (well, almost all homemade. I did buy a pillsbury crust to cook it on)

~Going to the Bountiful Temple and seeing two beautiful deer cross the street in North Salt Lake. I absolutely love the drive on UT-89 from Salt Lake to the Bountiful Temple, and I highly recommend it early in the morning when the sun is still rising.

~Finding this lovely skirt at Forever21. I'm in love with the fit and the style. AND, while I wore it today, I was told I resemble Stevie Nicks. Swoon... That comment made my day. Stevie Nicks is a bit of a hero of mine. (I was going to link to the skirt, but I can't find it on Forever21's site, so you'll just have to trust me that it's lovely!)

~Listening to both Arcade Fire and Def Leppard at full blast in my car. Is there anything better than shouting along to music that just speaks to your soul? Nope. There's not. It's true magic.

~Lastly, I leave you with a quote, from good friend Kristin:

"I love looking at nature! It's like visual music!"

P.S. and oh, duh!! AND!! I get a new nephew tomorrow!!! So excited!!!

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