Monday, August 22, 2011

25 While 25

I'm turning 25 today. A quarter of a century. When I look back at the years past... it's been SO long! Suddenly, dying at 75 doesn't seem all bad. That allows for a nice long life, doesn't it?

And I've already accomplished so much. I'm so grateful for the life that I've been blessed with so far. I've been to Europe. Twice! I've been to New York! I've been skydiving and ran a marathon. I bought a brand new car (stupid...) and paid it off! I graduated from high school and university. I was a cheerleader...(what?) I've been a bridesmaid 8 times! I've gained 8 new incredible family members. I won the excellency plaque for French (merci beaucoup), won 2nd place in the 5th grade Spelling Bee (or was it 4th grade?), graduated from seminary and institute, and won a dictionary for the leadership award in 6th grade (again, what?). I've been to countless concerts and movies, seen operas and broadway shows, and have watched long TV series' from beginning to end.

I've been such a lucky girl! How can I even top the last 25 years?! I guess finally starting my own family will be a pretty big deal, huh...? So I have that to look forward to. In the meantime, here's a list of my 25 While 25. I'll check in with you next year in hopes of having this list all checked off!

1. Crochet a full-size scarf
2. Make homemade popsicles
3. Do a juice cleanse
4. Run the Ragnar or a triathlon
5. Receive my endowment
6. Make a pie crust that doesn't suck
7. Visit four new destinations
8. Be the asker for a date
9. Make a successful lasagna
10. Get muhamara at Mazza again
11. Celebrate the Winter Solstice
12. Get a New Year's kiss
13. Make origami out of map paper
14. Learn calligraphy
15. Go karaoking
16. Paint five pictures
17. Get in the 140's
18. Buy a new record player
19. Make a Tolman family cookbook
20. Climb Mt. Olympus again
21. Replace laptop time with reading time more often
22. Make my own vanilla extract
23. Wear red lipstick outside of a costume situation and don't feel silly
24. Play piano for one hour per week
25. Go on a dishcrawl

(P.S. I'm not superstitious at all, but when I was typing this list, I originally completely forgot to type the number 13. Weird?)


Jamilyn said...

Cool idea, Ash! Can I do some of those with you? Like maybe climb Mt. Olympus, make lasagna (i'm good at it) and learn to make pie crust? What's a dishcrawl?

Ashley said...

James! I'd love for you to do some of these with me! A dishcrawl is where you get each separate course of a meal at a different restaurant. It sounds fun! Let's hike Mt. Olympus next summer!