Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Burning House

I'm endlessly fascinated and in love with The Burning House. Ever since I saw the website, I've been pondering and wondering what I'd truly want in those moments of fear and panic. To be really honest, I'd probably run out of the house without a single thing in my arms.

But if I had just those precious seconds to think, this is what I'd grab:
My purse, which has all the essentials: chapstick, money and ID, camera, and, most importantly, my iPod!
My phone (this is an emergency and I'll be needing that list of contacts),
glasses (particularly if this fire is at night. I need to see!),
travel journal (endlessly more valuable to me than my daily journal),
scriptures that I've had since age 8.
My computer, which holds 5 years of pictures and lots of music.

Now, if I had a good full minute, rather than seconds, to grab something, here's what would be added:
Various personal journals; a gifted scarf from Italy; Floopy, the dog/bear my mom bought me before I moved away for college; and a box of travel memorabilia and maps that cannot be replaced.

There you have it. The absolute essentials.

But now in the category of Things-I'd-Be-Devastated-About-Losing, But-Will-Have-Lost-Nonetheless:
My record collection and tiny child's record player; my globe.
My lovely Stevie-Nicks-like skirt mentioned in a previous post; two vintage dresses and a vintage coat that are irreplaceable and fit me perfectly.
My first (recent) painting of which I'm rather fond.
Pearl earrings and necklace from my parents.

And in the category of I-Hope-I'll-See-It-and-Grab-It-As-I-Flee-My-Room:
My ratty, holey childhood blankie. So many memories.

Lastly, in category of Probably-Most-Expensive-Item-I-Own-and-Would-Be-Pissed-to-Have-to-Replace:
My mouth guard I wear at night to aid in reducing my bruxism, racking in at $200.

And the things I've seen just while writing this post that I realized I'd also be completely sad to lose: my Sistine Chapel print from Rome, my travel bag with pins and buttons from various vacations, sweet cards and thank you notes from friends and family, my dad's old Book of Mormon, my This is Paris book and best of Europe book...
Man, this list could just go on and on!

1 comment:

Jamilyn said...

I like this post a lot, Ash! I think about this kind of stuff a lot, and I've never even seen that website before. You have a lot of cool things in your life!