Monday, August 15, 2011

Vacation Music Memories

I love The A.V. Club's AVQ&A series. This week's question really got old vacation memories flowing.

My parents were incredible at making sure we got at least one road-trip vacation a year, always somewhere warm. Trips were made to Lake Powell, St. George, Mesquite, Anaheim, San Jose... As long as we were heading South, my parents were happy. And music was a key element to those trips. My dad is a fond listener to Arrow 103.5 or any classic rock station. That love transferred to his kids, particularly me. And Mom listens to nearly everything, but especially FM 100, and Top 40's stations. However, once we reached the edge of Nephi or thereabouts, the radio stations would be gone, and the huge book of CD's would be pulled out.
One of the favorites was Bob Seger's Greatest Hits album. I remember one night of off-road driving in the old Suburban, Like a Rock tuned on the CD player, and Dad driving over unpaved and rocky ground.
Mom is a big Sarah Brightman fan, and Phantom of the Opera was often played. I grew a love for that musical from a very young age because of my Mom's love for it.
The family could all agree to Disney soundtracks as well. There were many trips singing along to The Little Mermaid (my brother now impresses women by knowing the entirety of Part of Your World), and The Lion King (Dad once said that his children should plan on singing The Circle of Life at his funeral).

Road trips with friends carried a very different sound track. I joined Kristin on a family trip to the Preston Rodeo, where we listened to Destiny's Child and the Dixie Chicks over headphones and sang along in two-part harmony (her poor parents...)
Trips with Jami, Katie, and Lynsie would always include a little Kelly Clarkson, some Disney hits, and a I Want to Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston.
Driving with my sisters, our favorites included 'Nsync and Backstreet Boys throwbacks, Cyndi Lauper, and 80's pop hits; whereas, drives with my brother are a bit more enlightening with music by whatever new and incredible band he has to show me at the time.

It truly is inspiring to hear any of those songs play, whether from my ipod, the radio, grocery story, etc., and immediately be taken back into the seat of a car, scenery rushing past the windows and spending time with people I love with every part of my heart.

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